Monday, March 24, 2008

Weight Loss For Summer Is Easy With These 5 Great Tips!

By Tyler Boshears

I get e-mails all the time with people asking how they can speed up the weight loss process in time before the spring/summer arrives. Over time i've tried to explain to people that you CAN do certain things that speed up your weight loss to help mold and shape you for the summer months, here's 5 great tips to get you started:

1. Stop eating after 9pm.

This is a HUGE mistake I see many people doing and not even realizing it. When you eat food after 9pm, you will soon be going to bed and storing anything you don't burn off. This is called excess fat and it's stored in your belly's. Just avoid eating after 9pm and you will burn more calories while you sleep and not store anything extra while you rest.

2. Spread your meals out.

For the longest time, everyone thought that 3 balanced meals a day would allow you to lose weight effectively, and while this IS true, it's not ideal for quick weight loss. You will want to spread your meals out throughout the day to keep your body's internal furnace burning. This increases your metabolism and is essential for quick weight loss.

3. Drink plenty of water.

Maybe you've heard this before. Many have, but few actually do this. Your body is made mostly of water and needs this essential liquid for survival. Not only does it keep you hydrated, but it works as a great filler instead of snacking all the time. You should aim for roughly 64 oz. of water a day and you will see excellent results.

4. Work out on an empty stomach.

This is a personal preference of mine and here's why. When you are working out on an empty or close to empty stomach, your body doesn't have to burn all the stored food you have waiting to be converted to energy. I always preferred to work out on an empty stomach, but something small is acceptable if you keep it proportionate. This technique helped me burn a rapid amount of calories since I was targeting all my stored fat right away!

5. Step up your cardio.

Weight lifting is great and I recommend it to all my clients, but the cold hard truth is if you want to target that excess body fat, you need to focus on burning those calories in the quickest, most efficient manner. This can be achieved by 30 minutes of cardio per day, and can be done 7 days a week, unlike weight lifting. You may be sore at first, but your body will adapt, I promise. ;)

If you start to use these tips you should start seeing results pretty quickly. Weight loss doesn't come overnight, but these tips will explode your progress and give you the motivation you've been waiting for!

To get more weight loss secrets that will explode your progress, check out Tyler's website at

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